Goal 2

To understand the essential nature of information and its relevance to society.

Outcome 2a. Describe various definitions and concepts of information.

Artifact 2a: Knowledge – Can It Be Defined By Changes in the Brain? – LIS 880: Knowledge Management

One of the difficulties in defining information is that it often includes the similar, but, different terms “data” and” knowledge.” One must understand these differences, which occur in a linear process, however, it is difficult to describe ANY of these terms without using the others. This paper explores one way to describe the process that data becomes information, and then becomes knowledge as physiological changes take place in the brain.


Outcome 2b. Interpret information policies from local to global levels in relation to their impact on intellectual freedom, access, literacy, and information behavior.

Artifact 2b: Secretary of Information Position Statement – LIS 775: Information Policy

The past twenty-five years have seen the explosive growth of a digital and technology revolution that affects almost every part of our lives. Should the Cabinet level position Secretary of Information ever become a reality, my statement as a nominee presents a comprehensive philosophy about information policies that either currently exist,  or should be considered as the new information and global economies continue to develop. Information is power, and we must balance the rights and privacy of the individual  against the needs of institutions and governments. This assignment to write this paper as a potential nominee, discusses how some issues such as continued open access, net neutrality, transparency from internet service providers and vendors, limitations on information that can be collected, revising outdated intellectual property laws, and limitations that should be placed upon our own government’s ability to obtain personal data about individuals should be addressed to allow us our intellectual freedom and access,  to promote literacy, and, to encourage appropriate information behavior.


Outcome 2d. Develop appropriate responses to information needs.

Artifact 2d. Too Much Information – LIS 701: Introduction to Library and Information Science

New technologies, multi-tasking, easy access to information at anytime have resulted in an ongoing onslaught of information and knowledge that can be overwhelming. This paper provides some background on how the brain processes new information, how search engines work, and how we can respond to information needs in a productive and manageable manner.

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