Goal 4

To synthesize theory and practice within a dynamic an evolving information environment.

Outcome 4a. Articulate theories and concepts in relation to professional practice.

Artifact 4a: I Know It When I See It – LIS 770: Management of Libraries and Information Centers

I wrote this paper, titled The Pitfalls of Pornography at the Public Library, to examine the difficulties, some of the related legal history, and the lack of clarity and understanding that surround this controversial subject. As noted, The American Library Association does provide some guidance to libraries, but also encourages them to seek legal guidance when setting their policies. The recommendations that I have included in this artifact demonstrate that professional theories and concepts need to be clearly defined and implemented into the practices of professional library staff and boards in order to properly and legally protect themselves, their libraries, and their patrons.


Outcome 4b. Demonstrate application of theory to practice.

Artifact 4b: When the Music Stopped – LIS 880: Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management adjunct instructor, Chris Kiess, asked us to write on the topic of our choosing and to define its relevance in the field of knowledge management and/or library and information science. One of his assigned readings describes theories and recommended key practices related to planning for and managing the unexpected, examining assumptions and failures, and appropriate deference to expertise. I examine causes of Wall Street’s 2007-2008 financial crisis and how the lack of application of these key practices nearly caused a collapse of national and international financial markets.


Outcome 4c. Assess how LIS theories and concepts provide value to emerging tools, technologies, functions and practices.

Artifact 4c. Social Media at At Community Library – LIS 768: Social Media and Emerging Technologies

Many libraries are recognizing that they need to increase their social media use continues to emerge as a useful too to communicate with their communities, to provide better services, and to stay relevant with changing modes of communication. But are they using social media effectively? Is its function appropriate for its community? This paper examines the history of and the added value of the social media use of a chosen, anonymous library, and makes recommendations based on those observations

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